I thought I would post a few quotes from some of the books that I have listed as my favorites. Maybe these quotes will entice you to read them as well and be blessed by their message.
From It Is Well: Expositions on Substitutionary Atonement by Mark Dever & Michael Lawrence (Crossway Books: 2010)
I hope you have enjoyed these passages. In the future I will post more quotes from some of the other favorite books on my list.
From It Is Well: Expositions on Substitutionary Atonement by Mark Dever & Michael Lawrence (Crossway Books: 2010)
"There have been many who have sought to rescue God from the scandal of the cross. They think it is unworthy of his character, inconsistent with his love for Christ. But as we've seen, the Bible will not let us do that. The cross was God's idea, his set purpose and plan from before the foundation of the world. On the cross Jesus Christ was actually forsaken by the Father." (p. 84)
"Friend, if you are a Christian, you will live longer than your sin." (p. 196)
"Again and again it is God who separates and excludes. It's not just that we aren't interested in him, though that's true. As sinners, we're not. More importantly, he has barred the door. After God expelled Adam and Eve from the garden, he placed cherubim and a flaming sword at the entrance. Whether they wanted to or not, Adam and Eve could not bring themselves back to God. To attempt to enter the garden was to face the sword of God's wrath. The same is true for every one of us. No, if we are to get back to God, we'll need someone to open the way, someone to bring us back safely." (p. 215)From Evangelical Hermeneutics: The New Versus the Old by Robert L. Thomas (Kregel Publications: 2002)
"Is it wise for any uninspired twentieth-century scholar to second-guess an inspired writer working in unique and divinely produced historical circumstances?" (p. 72)
"Any efforts to widen the scope of general revelation to include information or theories about aspects of creation, man, or anything else besides God do not have support from the Bible, which limits the scope of general revelation to information about God." (p. 117)
"Researchers in various secular disciplines have proven brilliant in their findings. We marvel at advances in electronics by the beginning of the twentieth-century, with such conveniences as computers, televisions, internet services, and e-mail. Their conclusions deserve to be called truth- but not final truth. Truth about electronics is still unfolding, and there is no expert who knows everything about electronics. No final authority- living or dead- exists in that field. On the other side, when it comes to Scripture, propositional truth about God and every other subject covered therein is absolutely authoritative." (p. 122)From All of Grace by Charles H. Spurgeon (Baker Book House: 1976)
"Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. It is a very surprising thing- a thing to be marvelled at most by those who enjoy it. I know that it is to me even to this day the greatest wonder that I ever heard of, that God should ever justify me. I feel myself to be a lump of unworthiness, a mass of corruption, and a heap of sin, apart from his almighty love." (p. 9)
"I mean, come to your heavenly Father in all your sin and sinfulness. Come to Jesus just as you are, leprous, filthy, naked, neither fit to live nor fit to die. Come, you that are the very sweepings of creation; come, though you hardly dare to hope for anything but death. Come, though despair is brooding over you, pressing upon your bosom like a horrible nightmare. Come and ask the Lord to justify another ungodly one. Why should he not? Come along with you; for this great mercy of God is meant for such as you are." (p. 17)From Full Assurance by H.A. Ironside (Moody Press: 1968)
"Then it is well to remember that some vivid emotional experience is not a safe ground of assurance. It is the blood of Christ that makes us safe and the Word of God that makes us sure." (p. 29)
"So it is today! We cannot see the blood shed so long ago for our redemption on Calvary, but there is a sense in which it is ever before the eye of God. The moment a repentant sinner puts his trust in Christ, he is viewed by God as sheltered behind the blood-sprinkled lintel. Henceforth his security from judgment depends, not on his ability to satisfy the righteous demands of the holy One, but upon the blessed fact that Christ Jesus satisfied them to the utmost when He gave Himself a ransom for our sins, and thus made it possible for God to pass over all our offences and justify us from all things." (p. 31)
"To accept Christ is to receive Him by faith as your Lord and Saviour. But strictly speaking, the great thing to see is that God has accepted Christ. He took our sins upon Him, died to make propitiation for them. But God has raised Him from the dead and taken Him up to glory. He has accepted Him in token of His perfect satisfaction in His work. Believing this, the soul enters into peace. I simply rest in God's thoughts about His Son." (p. 100)
I hope you have enjoyed these passages. In the future I will post more quotes from some of the other favorite books on my list.