The book's back cover says that reading the book will help us to:
- "Discover how many evangelical leaders, wittingly or unwittingly, undermine the authority of God's Word by compromising the clear meaning of the Bible in Genesis."
- "Learn how accepting that the earth or universe is billions of years old unlocks a door of compromise."
- "Heed the wake-up call to the Church to return to the authority of God's Word, from the first page."
Having read the book, I can say that it did indeed do what the back cover said it would. Especially eye-opening were the many quotes provided in the book from Christian leaders who don't believe in a literal interpretation of Genesis 1-11. Ham demonstrates that their attempts to interpret Genesis as an allegory or to spiritualize it instead of believing that it is literal history are the result of one motivation- to somehow fit the text of Genesis with the supposed evolutionary facts of science.
You might be wondering, "What's the big deal with how we view Genesis 1-11?" Ham does a great job of answering that question. This issue of the age of the earth is not a salvation issue, as Ham points out. Instead, he says that it is an "authority issue". At stake is the authority of God's word. That point is clearly and forcefully made in the book.
Ham did his homework and compiled for the reader many quotes from Christian colleges and seminaries, pastors and authors, teachers and organizations. These quotes are worth the price of the book because they show the widespread extent of compromise in Christianity today. Also, as a bonus, there are three appendices to the book that are very good.
I highly recommend this book and think that it would make a great Christmas present to yourself!