I would like to offer more quotes from some of my favorite books. I hope these quotes encourage you to read these great books. The time reading them will be time well-spent.
From Holiness: the False and the True by H.A. Ironside (Loizeaux Brothers: 1912)
From Holiness: the False and the True by H.A. Ironside (Loizeaux Brothers: 1912)
"And now I began to see what a string of derelicts this holiness teaching left in its train. I could count scores of persons who had gone into udder infidelity because of it. They always gave the same reason: 'I tried it all. I found it a failure. So I concluded the Bible teaching was all a delusion, and religion was a mere matter of emotions.' Many more (and I knew several such intimately) lapsed into insanity after floundering in the morass of this emotional religion for years- and people said that studying the Bible had driven them crazy. How little they knew that it was a lack of Bible knowledge that was accountable for their wretched mental state- an absolutely unscriptural use of isolated passages of Scripture!" (p. 24)
"Every Christian is indwelt by the Holy Spirit, as we have already seen. He has the power required for holy living therefore, and need not plead and wrestle, as is the fashion with some, for "more power, and "more of the Spirit." What is required is subjection to the Word, that one may walk in the Spirit." (p. 136)From Things to Come: A Study In Biblical Eschatology by J. Dwight Pentecost (Zondervan: 1964)
"Thus, the great dangers inherent in this system (allegorical interpretation of Scripture) are that it takes away the authority of Scripture, leaves us without any basis on which interpretations may be tested, reduced Scripture to what seems reasonable to the interpreter, and as a result, makes true interpretation of Scripture impossible." (p. 6) parenthesis mine
"Thus we can see that our doctrine of the premillennial return of Christ to institute a literal kingdom is the outcome of the literal method of interpretation of the Old Testament promises and prophecies." (p.194)From The Lie: Evolution by Ken Ham (Master Books: 1987)
"Many tell us we should tolerate other people's beliefs about evolution: that we must refrain from speaking against what they say. Or, we are told to consider all the alternatives that scientists put before us and not be 'dogmatic' about one view. Of course, this is a form of dogmatism itself, claiming that we cannot insist Genesis be taken literally so as to exclude evolutionary philosophy. Many theological colleges dogmatically insist that students consider all views on the interpretation of Genesis... and go on to assert that no one person may say that any view is definitely correct, or incorrect!" (p.119-120)
"In many denominations, there is a real controversy and a lot of discussion concerning inerrancy of the Bible. When discussing this issue, the sad thing is that many evangelical scholars do not recognize or deliberately sidestep the importance of Genesis. The acceptance of the literal events in Genesis is foundational to the question of Biblical inerrancy." (p. 121)Hope these quotes whet your appetite for some good reading. These books would make great Christmas presents for a pastor (and for yourself, of course)!