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Evolution: The Beginning

Evolution: The Beginning How a board game about evolution teaches us about God   A couple of years ago around Christmas time I heard a radio advertisement for a new board game that was marketed as a fun way to teach children about evolution.   The game is called Evolution: The Beginning .   I was sad to hear this game promoted as a good Christmas gift, since evolution (with the exception of theistic evolution) denies the existence or necessity of God.   I could imagine Christmas morning: “Merry Christmas Bobby.   Here’s a gift that teaches that your life has no meaning and no purpose and when you die its over!”   I wanted to know more about this game so I did some research online about the game play and goal of the game. [1]   I was surprised to find that, though designed to teach about evolution, this game inadvertently teaches about the necessity of the Creator God.   The first thing in my investigation that struck me as odd is the ...
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A Sad Dance Around a Simple Question: Did God Use Evolution to Create Man?

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