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America's Shameful Failure to Stop Abortion

Thomas Jefferson, writing the Declaration of Independence
courtesy of
The United States is a world leader in many good ways.  Unfortunately she also leads in one way that no American should be proud of.  Upon founding our nation, our Fathers wrote:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.     -The Declaration of Independence
Today is not a proud day for America, but rather one that marks the anniversary of one of America's most shameful moments, the legalization of abortion in our country. Since the Roe v. Wade decision, 42 years ago today, over 50 million Americans have been legally murdered in their mother's wombs. Instead of leading the world to protect and promote the unalienable right to life of every person, the United States sadly leads in the opposite direction: it has the highest abortion rate of any western industrialized nation.[1]

That murdering babies through abortion denies them their unalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as provided for in the Declaration is painfully obvious. Our Fathers recognized the sanctity of human life as reflected in the wording of the Declaration. To them, life was a gift from the Creator. Deny a person his Creator-endowed right to life and you take on a role that rightfully belongs to God alone. In other words, you play God yourself when you make that decision.

The Founders recognized the self-evident truth that the right to life does not come from the State. This right for a baby to live in his mother's womb is not something handed down by the Court, not something sanctioned by a vote of the Congress, not something decided upon by the President, but rather its source is God. The Declaration recognizes a higher Power than human government. The Founders understood this and believed it as truth, stating: "we hold these truths to be self evident...".

Well over two centuries have passed since those words were ratified on July 4, 1776. The heading of the Declaration says: "In Congress, July 4, 1776."  Today, in Congress, January 22, 2015, on the 42 anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Republican controlled Congress of the United States of America failed to vote on a bill that would effectively end abortion in America after 20-weeks of pregnancy. Choosing politics over morality, some Republicans decided not to lend their support because they were afraid it would cost them potential political support to do so. [2]  Fox News reports that those Republicans who backed out of supporting the legislation had "concerns that the law would alienate women voters."[3] Apparently, some in Congress would rather alienate an unborn child from his unalienable right to life than to alienate themselves from voters.  For cowards such as these, political expediency is more important than the principles that this country was founded upon.

How much longer are our judges, legislators, and executives going to seat themselves over the One who bestows the right to life upon all persons?  Our leaders are playing God, pretending that they have the right to decide who can live and who can't.  Those legislators who refuse to act now to stop abortion apparently believe that the right to life is only unalienable when it is convenient for the mother, or when it will not cost a politician his votes.

What is my response to such cowardice? I VOTE PRO-LIFE! To my representatives: Either represent my interests by lending your support to stop abortion in America or I will elect someone else who will! How is that for alienating voters?

For related articles see: Is There Such a Thing as an Autonomous Human Being? and We Call Him "Terrorist" and also The Vatican is Guilty of Torturing Abortion-seeking Women?

[1], Abortions in America,, Accessed on January 22, 2015
[2] Bill Theobold,, House GOP abruptly drops abortion bill,, Accessed January 22, 2015.
[3], House Republicans drop controversial abortion bill ahead of Roe v. Wade anniversary,, Accessed on January 22, 2015.

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