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The Vatican is Guilty of Torturing Abortion-seeking Women?

© Pictures of Rome courtesy of

Torture is a pretty serious charge.  Do you remember how the left, during the George W. Bush presidency, slandered our military and CIA by accusing them of torturing captives?  Well, they're at it again.  This time the charge is leveled against the Catholic church, and her supposed victims are abortion-seeking women.

One may ask, By what heinous methods are these women being tortured?  Water-boarding?  Loud music blared in their eardrums?  Iron maidens or other medieval torture machinery?  The answer is none of the above.  Instead, the Vatican is guilty of employing a torture device so wicked, so sinister, so diabolically sadistic that none other than the United Nations Committee Against Torture has involved itself in a valiant effort to stop the Vatican from using it against future victims. Apparently, the UN won't sleep until it reaches its goal; a universal ban of the Catholic torture device. After all, it's the only way to ensure the welfare of humanity and make the world a safer place for all women who want to kill their babies.  The method chosen by the Vatican to torture and inflict great pain upon women is not a machine after all.  Instead, it is the Catholic church's stance that abortion is wrong.

Apparently, millions of women who wish to abort the life within them are being psychologically tortured because the Vatican uncompromisingly voices a pro-life message.  A pro-abortion advocacy group called the Center for Reproductive Rights has convinced the UN Committee Against Torture to put pressure on the Vatican to silence its pro-life message, equating such pro-life speech with torture.  Their claim is that the pro-life message is a form of psychological torture upon women who seek abortions.  You can read about it here.  You can also find more information from the American Center for Law and Justice.

I bet you can already guess what I'm thinking.  I'm thinking that the "torture" word is being directed towards the wrong party.  It defies belief that the pro-abortion advocates could actually equate pro-life speech with torture.  What about the aborted baby who is either burned to death with acid or stabbed to death and dismembered?  Who is crying torture about his plight?  In the guise of human rights, the pro-abortion crowd is guilty of advocating for actual human torture all the while pointing blood-soaked fingers at the Vatican for imaginary psychological torture.

The attempt to place the blame for the guilt caused by abortion on the pro-life message is ludicrous.  This is seen in the related story of Emily Letts.  Ms. Letts, a pro-abortion activist, recently produced a video of herself having a surgical abortion.  In an interview with Philadelphia Magazine, Letts referred to her video and stated, "Women and men have been thirsting for something like this.  You don't have to feel guilty." Letts blames the guilt women feel about abortion, not upon the fact that abortion is the killing of a baby, but rather upon society's lack of empathy for abortive women.  You can read this disturbing article here.  I also highly recommend that you read Dr. Albert Mohler's article on Letts.

As much as abortion advocates would like to place the blame on others, the reality is that women who participate in abortion are guilty of murder and thereby experience psychological distress. Self-inflicted psychological torture is created when a woman goes against God's authority, her conscience, and natural mothering instincts and follows through with an abortion. A guilty conscience that is stirred when someone attempts to cause you to rethink murdering your baby is not torture; it's God's gift to you to keep you from doing wrong.

Let me know what you think about this post in the comments section below.  

Articles Cited:
Paul Bedard, "U.N. calls Vatican's anti-abortion canon 'psychological torture' of women," Washington Examiner, Monday, May 5, 2014

Victor Fiorillo, "Q&A: Actress Emily Letts on the Reaction to Her Abortion Video," Philadelphia Magazine, Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Albert Mohler, "'I Feel Super Great About Having an Abortion'-The Culture of Death Goes Viral," Albert, Thursday, May 8, 2014

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