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Showing posts from November, 2013

More Quotes From Some Of My Favorite Books

I would like to offer more quotes from some of my favorite books.  I hope these quotes encourage you to read these great books.  The time reading them will be time well-spent. From Holiness: the False and the True  by H.A. Ironside (Loizeaux Brothers: 1912) "And now I began to see what a string of derelicts this holiness teaching left in its train.  I could count scores of persons who had gone into udder infidelity because of it.  They always gave the same reason: 'I tried it all.  I found it a failure.  So I concluded the Bible teaching was all a delusion, and religion was a mere matter of emotions.'  Many more (and I knew several such intimately) lapsed into insanity after floundering in the morass of this emotional religion for years- and people said that studying the Bible had driven them crazy.  How little they knew that it was a lack of Bible knowledge that was accountable for their wretched mental state- an absolutely unscriptural ...

A Great New Book!

I just finished reading Six Days: the Age of the Earth and the Decline of the Church by Ken Ham.  I listed another book by Ham in My Favorite Books post earlier.  What I wanted to do in this post is to offer observations about Ham's new book and plead with you to read it.  (Click on the book's title above to purchase the book). The book's back cover says that reading the book will help us to: "Discover how many evangelical leaders, wittingly or unwittingly, undermine the authority of God's Word by compromising the clear meaning of the Bible in Genesis." "Learn how accepting that the earth or universe is billions of years old unlocks a door of compromise." "Heed the wake-up call to the Church to return to the authority of God's Word, from the first page." Having read the book, I can say that it did indeed do what the back cover said it would.  Especially eye-opening were the many quotes provided in the book from Christian ...

Quotes From Some Of My Favorite Books

I thought I would post a few quotes from some of the books that I have listed as my favorites. Maybe these quotes will entice you to read them as well and be blessed by their message. From It Is Well: Expositions on Substitutionary Atonement by Mark Dever & Michael Lawrence (Crossway Books: 2010) "There have been many who have sought to rescue God from the scandal of the cross.  They think it is unworthy of his character, inconsistent with his love for Christ. But as we've seen, the Bible will not let us do that.  The cross was God's idea, his set purpose and plan from before the foundation of the world.  On the cross Jesus Christ was actually forsaken by the Father." (p. 84) "Friend, if you are a Christian, you will live longer than your sin." (p. 196) "Again and again it is God who separates and excludes.  It's not just that we aren't interested in him, though that's true.  As sinners, we're not.  More importantly, he has ...

That Crazy Unintelligible Genesis Chapter One

photo courtesy of To many modern Christian leaders, pastors, and theologians the first chapter of Genesis is extremely puzzling.  Many possible interpretations are offered but most theologians are sure that no one can know exactly which interpretation is the correct one.  These scholarly men and women recognize all the hidden nuances of the story in Genesis.  Such an impressive group of  Bible-believing Christian thinkers have discovered many possible ways of interpreting the passage; ways that have remained hidden from the common, less-academic Christian and Jew for millennia and have only recently come to light through diligent study of all kinds of secular scientific theories. Instead of making the mistake of simply taking Genesis one at face value, these scholars have come to understand what has eluded the general Bible reader for thousands of years, i.e. God didn't create the entire universe in six, literal, twenty-four hour days appr...