I would like to offer more quotes from some of my favorite books. I hope these quotes encourage you to read these great books. The time reading them will be time well-spent. From Holiness: the False and the True by H.A. Ironside (Loizeaux Brothers: 1912) "And now I began to see what a string of derelicts this holiness teaching left in its train. I could count scores of persons who had gone into udder infidelity because of it. They always gave the same reason: 'I tried it all. I found it a failure. So I concluded the Bible teaching was all a delusion, and religion was a mere matter of emotions.' Many more (and I knew several such intimately) lapsed into insanity after floundering in the morass of this emotional religion for years- and people said that studying the Bible had driven them crazy. How little they knew that it was a lack of Bible knowledge that was accountable for their wretched mental state- an absolutely unscriptural ...