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Showing posts from August, 2015

When Does a Baby Deserve Human Rights?

At what point does a baby get human rights?  Presidential hopeful Senator Barak Obama was asked that question in a 2008 interview by Pastor Rick Warren held at Warren's church. The transcript to that interview can be accessed here. Obama's answer? Well, you know, I think that whether you're looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity, you know, is above my pay grade.   Senator John McCain, also aspiring to the presidency, answered the same question: At the moment of conception.  Obama's claim that he was not able to answer that question with "specificity" seemed to be an attempt to dodge the question.  His lack of clarity on the issue also brings up other questions.  If he cannot say when a baby gets human rights then what about infants?  How can he be sure infants have human rights if he cannot specify when those rights are endowed?  Could post-birth babies not have rights ...

Motive Discovered in Death of Cecil the Lion

Breaking News... The investigation into the tragic death of Cecil the Lion, the beloved male lion from Zimbabwe, has recently taken a decisive turn.  Investigators have uncovered a possible motive for the senseless murder of the iconic cat.  Initial clues led detectives to one suspect, American dentist Walter Palmer.  Police are sure they have the right man.  Palmer's confession to the crime has all but made their case for them.  Police already knew that the murdering dentist fit the profile of an extremist; white, rich, gun-toting.  What had not been determined with certainty was the motive behind Palmer's barbaric act.  That is until investigators received an anonymous tip about the murdered lion's progressive ideology.  Park ranger Pete "PETA" Perkins reported to police that he had received a mysterious phone call from an informant who wished to remain anonymous.  The caller's tip led investigators to search the lion's Facebook page....