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Showing posts from July, 2014

Did God Use the Big Bang to Create?

The term "big bang" describes what many scientists believe about the beginning of the universe, i.e. that at some point in the past, all the matter in the universe was packed into a super-heated dense point that then exploded into a pattern of expansion and cooling that continues today.  This process eventually created all that is in the universe, from atoms to planets.  This cosmological model is the foremost model among scientists and the prevalent and exclusive model presented in science text books. photo courtesy of NASA Some Christians have accepted the theoretical big bang as fact.  They believe that God used the big bang to create. They seem to have the best of both worlds- they can remain in step with the prevailing secular view of cosmology and at the same time retain their belief in God as Creator.  Hugh Ross is an example of a Christian who espouses the belief that God used the big bang to create. Could God have created by using a big bang eve...

What Motivates a Theological Liberal?

Today I read a great article on liberalism entitled "Air Conditioning Hell: How Liberalism Happens".  It was written by Albert Mohler and can be accessed here .  Dr. Mohler is well known for his role in helping bring the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) back from the brink of theological liberalism.  Since Mohler was and is still a key figure in the battle against the devastating effects of liberalism, he knows a thing or two about what makes Christian liberalism tick.  His article addresses the departure from a biblical view of hell by liberals and now even conservative evangelicals.  In discussing liberalism's unbiblical view of hell, Dr. Mohler identifies a pattern that can be observed that leads to a slide into theological liberalism concerning any doctrine. The article opens by speaking of the motivation behind liberalism.  Contrary to what one would suppose, liberalism is not motivated by anti-Bible sentiments or even a belief in the orthodoxy o...

The Irrelevancy of the Born Gay Argument

For many years there has been a proposition made that some people are born gay and others born straight. This is a difficult argument to settle since it is almost impossible to prove true or false.  That is why I believe that it has been used so successfully by those who support homosexuality as a legitimate lifestyle.  If some people are born gay, then they are presumably not culpable for their homosexuality.  In fact, as they pursue their homosexuality and act upon it in relationship with another, they are only doing what God designed them to do.  Who can blame them for that?  If God designed some gay and some straight from birth, then homosexuality is just as legitimate as heterosexuality.  Indeed, if anyone is to blame, it is God Himself. My contention is that the debate over whether one is a born homosexual or not is irrelevant.  Suppose that it could be substantiated scientifically that there is indeed a "gay gene".  If, through genetic ...