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Showing posts from October, 2013

Isaac Asimov's book "In the Beginning": Part Four- Chapter Three

I had good intentions.  For various reasons I was delayed in blogging and didn't get further in the book than chapter 3, which I hope to comment on today.  Working my way through Asimov's book was like digging through a garbage dump looking for something useful.  I found that the whole thing stunk and what little I finally did pull out of his worthless writings made the effort seem wasted.  I was already contemplating not finishing what I boldly set out to do, i.e. comment on all thirteen chapters, when I realized that the book was overdue at the library.  I returned the book today and am using this as an excuse to not finish my series. With that said I will comment on what little I found in chapter 3. A little chronological background of the creation account of Day 6 in Genesis chapter two will help us understand my comments later in this post.  First of all, God made Adam and placed him in Eden.  God then told him not to eat from the tree of the kn...

Isaac Asimov's book "In the Beginning": Part Three- Chapter 2

In my last post I attempted to show how Asimov, although an atheist, understood that the Biblical text of Genesis chapter one clearly teaches a young earth and six, literal, 24-hour days.  I introduced the fact that Asimov believed the J.E.P.D. theory that denies that Moses wrote Genesis.  According to this fraudulent theory, multiple hypothetical writers and editors took multiple hypothetical accounts of origins and combined them into what we know as Genesis and the other books of the Pentateuch.  Asimov thought that the writer of the P document gave us Genesis 1:1-2:4a, and the rest of Genesis two was written by the author of the J document.  I won't waste time wading through all of the useless speculations and groundless proclamations that Asimov presents in chapter two of his book.  My treatment of this chapter will be to present just a few observations. In explaining Genesis 2:17, where God prohibits eating from the tree of knowledge, he says this: "Eat...