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Showing posts from March, 2014

Is There Such a Thing as an Autonomous Human Being?

Matt Walsh has written another great post.  I encourage you to read it before you finish my post. You can access it if you click here .  In this post he answers an email that was sent to him by a pro-choice advocate named Rachel.  Rachel argues that abortion is a right for every woman because of something she calls "body autonomy".  Her argument is that humans have the complete and autonomous decision making authority over their own bodies.  Therefore, if a woman, acting as an autonomous unit, decides to withdraw life-sustaining support from a fetus in her womb, she has the right to do so.  After all, the fetus is no more than a parasite if the woman has not consented to the fetus being in her womb in the first place. According to the dictionary, autonomous means "self-governing; independent; subject to its own laws only". [1]  Rachel holds to the idea that humans have no one to answer to but themselves when it comes to choice. A woman is subject onl...

Does the Earth Look Old? Tell me what you think!

I recently came across an article that was written a couple of years ago by someone whom I greatly respect. The author of the article believes in a young earth because he thinks the Scripture indicates such.  So do I. While I appreciated his article, I do have to disagree with one statement he made.  He said that he unhesitatingly believes the world looks old. So, while he is a young earth creationist, he believes that the earth looks older than the 6,000-10,000 years indicated by Scripture. photo courtesy of Why do I disagree with this statement?  Doesn't the world look really old?  Below is a portion of an email I wrote to him concerning his article.  It gives some reasons why I disagree with this brother's statement. I would argue that "looking old" is subjective.  As a child, I thought everyone over 13 years of age looked old.  Now, I have an entirely different perspective.  I know a woman who will celebrate her 1...